Bachelor of Science major in Computer Science
2020-2024 | Western Michigan University (WMU)Relevant courses included Python programming, C Programming, MSRP 430 board programming, Web Development, Database Management Data Structures and Algorithms, Computer Systems Architechture, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.
Bachelor of Science minor in Business Analyticcs
2020-2024 | Western Michigan University (WMU)Completed a master's project on Visual Analytics, Data Analysis Using R, Data Analysis Using Python, Data Analysis Usiing Microsoft Excel and Database Management Using Rapid Miner.
Bachelor of Science minor in Supply Chain Management
2020-2024 | Western Michigan University (WMU)Relevant courses included Marketing, Core Principles of Supply Chain Management, Advanced Principles of Supply Chain Management, Insutrial Production Engineering and Management, Productivity Analysis.
International Advanced Level (Edexcel British Council)
2016-2018 | CGPA: 4.0 | Academia School & CollegeWorld highest in Chemistry and relevant courses included Core Mathematics 1/2/3/4, Mechanics 1, Statistics 1, Physics, Chemistry.
IGCSE O Levels (Edexcel British Council)
2014-2015 | CGPA: 4.0 | Academia School & CollegeCountry highest in Further Pure Mathematics and relevant courses included Pure Mathematics, Further Pure Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English, Bengali.